PresseKat - Innotech Solar: ITS Economy NEW Solar Modules Obtain Certificate of European Origin

Innotech Solar: ITS Economy NEW Solar Modules Obtain Certificate of European Origin

ID: 470951

Innotech Solar: ITS Economy NEW Solar Modules Obtain Certificate of European Origin

(pressrelations) - S Economy NEW polycrystalline solar modules from Norwegian company Innotech Solar now have certificates to prove their European origin. As a result, clients that utilize ITS modules in their solar installations not only benefit from high European quality standards, but also from improved subsidization regulations in Italy for European solar components. The modules are manufactured in the Swedish town of Glava in the factory of SweModule, a company in which Innotech Solar holds 75% of the shares.

ITS Economy NEW modules are chiefly available with the power ratings 230 and 240 Wp, and the company guarantees that each module will achieve at least the nominal power specified. By using a specially textured glass, reflections are reduced, which particularly increases yields (compared to conventional glass modules) when the sun is low in the sky ? such as during winter months and in the evening. Furthermore, optimized solar cells are used to manufacture ITS Economy NEW modules. Here, cells that are initially rejected are restored to full capacity in a special process developed by Innotech Solar. As a result, the production of these modules conserves great amounts of energy and resources.

"Innotech Solar has made a conscious decision to use European production sites. Hence in addition to our factories in Sweden and Norway, we have just built a further site in Germany. Our clients can therefore rest assured that our products meet the high standards that are typical in Europe,? says Dr. Thomas Hillig, Director of Sales Marketing for EMEA at Innotech Solar.

ITS Economy NEW modules are particularly suitable for roof-top installations and are fitted with MC connectors. A product warranty is offered for five years, or for ten years if the modules are registered in Italian installations. The performance warranty covers 90% of the specified minimum output power for ten years, and 80% for 25 years.

Pictures of the modules are available to download at:


About Innotech Solar
The Innotech Solar Group is a solar technology company and an international supplier of PV modules. The company specializes in analyzing and optimizing solar cells, and uses industrial processes developed by its own research teams to perform these tasks. Innotech Solar tests, sorts and optimizes more cells from different manufacturers than any other cell or module supplier worldwide. The company?s production sites are located in Norway, Germany and Sweden, and it has subsidiaries in Germany, Norway, China and Switzerland.

For more information about Innotech Solar visit
EU PVSEC from September 5-8 in Hamburg.
Hall B6 Booth C28

Please contact us with any further queries.
Innotech Solar
Dr. Thomas Hillig
Telephone: +49 (0) 89-54558368
Email: thomas.hillig(at)

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  DIW-Konjunkturbarometer August 2011: Deutsche Wirtschaft bleibt auf Wachstumskurs Innotech Solar: ITS Economy NEW Solarmodule erhalten Zertifikat für europäischen Ursprung
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: pressrelations
Datum: 31.08.2011 - 11:45 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 470951
Anzahl Zeichen: 3404 – ihr Partner für die Veröffentlichung von Pressemitteilungen und Presseterminen, Medienbeobachtung und Medienresonanzanalysen

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