PresseKat - What is Virgin Hair Weaves

What is Virgin Hair Weaves

ID: 1049222

Human hair is full of Mystery and brings inestimable beauty.

Human hair the inner layer is called the medulla and may not be present. The next layer is the cortex and the outer layer is the cuticle.

(firmenpresse) - Human hair is full of Mystery and brings inestimable beauty.

Human hair the inner layer is called the medulla and may not be present. The next layer is the cortex and the outer layer is the cuticle. The cortex makes up the majority of the hair shaft. The cuticle is formed by tightly packed scales in an overlapping structure similar to roof shingles. Most hair-conditioning products attempt to affect the cuticle. There are pigment cells that are distributed throughout the cortex, giving the hair its characteristic color. The cuticle is a hard shingle-like layer of overlapping cells, some five to twelve deep, formed from dead cells that form scales which give the hair shaft strength and protect the inner structure of the hair. The hair cuticle is the first line of defense against all forms of damage; it acts as a protective barrier for the softer inner structures, including the medulla and cortex.

The cuticle is responsible for much of the mechanical strength of the hair fiber. A healthy cuticle is more than just a protective layer, as the cuticle also controls the water content of the fiber. Much of the shine that makes healthy hair so attractive is due to the cuticle. In the hair industry, the only way to obtain the very best hair (with cuticle intact and facing the same direction) is to use the services of "hair collectors," who cut the hair directly from people's heads, and bundle it as ponytails. This hair is called virgin cuticle hair, or just cuticle hair. Most human hair used for weaves and wigs is obtained from Asia.

when you get something like a Remy virgin hair weave, there's a good chance the hair in the weave has Asian origins. What many people don’t know is that some Indian women – mainly in the southern region of India – cut off their hair for spiritual reasons. One reason they cut off their hair is to trade it for a token of good luck. For instance, when a relative of an Indian woman has a new child, the woman may cut off her hair, believing it will have a positive impact on the child. In addition to blessing a new child, they get compensated by hair exporters and benefit the fashion of women abroad. It's a win-win situation.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Deidrakmoore
Datum: 22.04.2014 - 10:18 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1049222
Anzahl Zeichen: 2443

Ansprechpartner: 7th Floor, Construction Mansion, No.123 YanLin Road, TianHe

Guangzhou China

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Meldungsart: Produktinformation
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 22/04/2014

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