PresseKat - ATHOS is overall winner in tyre benchmark test

ATHOS is overall winner in tyre benchmark test

ID: 1049622

241,000 kilometres covered. 66,846 litres of diesel fuel consumed. 3,060 hours driving time. Seventy-two test tyres from a total of five manufacturers. These are the key data of a wide-ranging tyre benchmark test ordered by HG-Logistic GmbH from Germany and carried out over the past months. The company managed to hire the consulting firm "Die Flottenberater GmbH" (the fleet advisers) for evaluating the collected data. Together with their technology partner "tec4U Ingenieurgesellschaft" they independently looked after the benchmark tests under real conditions in a shipping company. Both businesses based in Saarbrücken collected the data and analyzed them. The result was surprising: ATHOS won the test owing to its first-class cost-benefit ratio. Even compared to much more expensive competitive products it made an excellent showing also in the field of fuel consumption.

(firmenpresse) -
Ralf Hämmerling, managing director of Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH, the company responsible for manufacturing and selling ATHOS truck tyres is especially delighted about the results achieved under the different loading conditions. In his opinion, the test clearly confirms his company's work. "Again and again we see that customers using ATHOS tyres gain multiple and sustainable advantages", says Hämmerling. “They benefit from a lower purchase price and better fuel consumption than offered by many competing products."

All sorts of test series

The tests carried out between September 2013 and January 2014 were based on a total of three identically constructed IVECO Stralis AS440S46T/FP LT tractor units of the latest series with EURO 6 engines, combined with Krone Megatrailer SD27. Each time, the whole units were equipped with tyres from one manufacturer. Of course, great importance was attached to the fuel consumption resulting from the use of the individual tyre brands. Their ranking sometimes varied depending on the useful load. Dunlop won the category of under 21 t, while Goodyear was top for a total weight of 32 t in the same size, with ATHOS taking respectable third and second places, respectively. After analysing all of the test criteria, such as fuel efficiency, grip in the wet, rolling resistance and economic efficiency, ATHOS tyres were top with 25 points.

Real conditions

"We are so enthusiastic about the test criteria selected by the Flottenberater (fleet advisers), because that's what our customers experience every day. What is the use of top values gained on the roller-type test stand if you cannot confirm them on the road", comments Ralf Hämmerling. He is certain that the test is not just an excellent result for the ATHOS tyre, but also a first-class selling proposition for customers who use ATHOS tyres. Hämmerling is very sure, "I have seldom seen such a professional provider with love for the detail. To be honest, I really was not sure if the effort would be worthwhile. However, the installed testing equipment including the air pressure control in all wheel positions have been well worth it".

And he continues: “When a tyre is produced abroad, but meets the German quality requirements regarding the material and production facilities, you can without any doubt take up the challenge of comprehensive tests based on German carefulness."

All of the details about the test, including the tables and recordings are available at

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Jürgen Rönsch / text professionell, Harkortstraße 24, D-48163 Münster, Mobile ++49 (0)177/ 591 9682

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Jürgen Rönsch / text professionell, Harkortstraße 24, D-48163 Münster, Mobile ++49 (0)177/ 591 9682

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: pressandmore
Datum: 22.04.2014 - 23:02 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1049622
Anzahl Zeichen: 3505



Auto & Verkehr

Meldungsart: Erfolgsprojekt
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 22.04.2014

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"ATHOS is overall winner in tyre benchmark test"
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