PresseKat - Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution 2014 - Media Center

Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution 2014 - Media Center

ID: 1061804

Identifying needs | Developing Enterprise Apps and a Mobile Device Management | Writing Successful Roadmaps | Maintaining Data Security | Solving Real Problems

June 23 – 24, 2014 | Kempinski Hotel Bristol Berlin | Germany |

(firmenpresse) - After the large success of the Enterprise App Revolution 2013 conference, we.CONECT would like to invite senior managers and leading professionals to take part in the second annual Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution, from the June 23 – 24, 2014 in Berlin.

To get an insight of the event main topics, we.CONECT would like to give you access to exclusive Interviews, White Papers and Case Studies provided by experts of the connected world. Visit our Media Center and inform yourself about current challenges, strategies and future trends in the field of enterprise applications. Find out more about our Top Speakers and Moderators by following this link.

we.CONECT Media Center

•Apps for Mobile Devices – old wine in new skins? Mobile App Landscape (at) Volkswagen Group
Dr. Volker Kratzenstein, Group Software Technology Officer, Volkswagen AG / Germany
•Building the Framework and setting the strategy for cross-platform enterprise apps
Christian Santiago, HTML5 & Mobile Web Applications, Genentech Inc. / USA
•Empowering the field force and optimizing time management by using mobile apps
Bernd Rattey, Director IT, Deutsche Lufthansa AG / Germany

•Gabriel Weiss, Interactive Marketing Technologies | Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating
“The mobile environment and custom enterprise apps can provide value to any aspect of business success. The key is strategic planning around the use case for the app or app program for an organization”

•Axway – How to build an Enterprise API Platform
Mobile & Cloud Computing have fundamentally changed the way we interact with companies we do business with. Today’s consumer and business interactions span different applications
•Oracle – Simplify Enterprise Mobility with the Oracle Mobile Platform
For many years corporate IT departments looked to the desktop as the only way to present information from their corporate enterprise applications. But with the advent of mobile computing, applications are no longer tied to the desktop and end users expect to be able to switch between desktop, tablet or smartphone anytime, anywhere. This multi channel environment has become the new normal.

•Citrix – MDM and beyond: Rethinking mobile security in a BYOD world
This white paper discusses the security challenges posed by bring-your-own device (BYOD) and how they can be addressed through the management of mobile devices, apps and data.

Experience more about
•Take a look at the final Agenda
•Mark your Calendar for the Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution 2014
•Follow this link to get a preview of the participating Speakers and Moderators
•For further information, please contact Alexander Sladczyk, Sales Director: +49 (0) 30 52 10 70 3 – 55 per telephone or send him an Email

What Can You Expect (at) we.CONECT?
•An innovative & interactive Conference Format
•Exciting IceBreaker Sessions
•International Top Speakers and Moderators
•25+ innovative Case Study Sessions
•Challenge Your Peers Roundtables
•Networking in our World Cafés
•Meet leading companies such as Adidas, Air France, Bombardier, Daimler, Paypal, Volkwagen, and many more
•Get in touch with our Business Partners: Oracle, BlackBerry, InfoStretch Corporation, Axway, AT&T Inc., AirWatch UK Ltd. and Citrix Systems GmbH

Upcoming Events from the IT Division

Big Data Minds 2014 (conference in German language)
Effizientes Big Data Management | Tools und Technologien zur Analyse groĂźer Datenmengen |
Der Einfluss von Enterprise Mobility und Cloud Computing | Aufbau einer performanten Big Data-Architektur
September 18 – 19, 2014 | Maritim Proarte Hotel Berlin

SAM Europe 2014
Implementation of an enterprise-wide SLM and SAM | Cost-saving, risk-reducing and demand-oriented SAM in practice | Virtualization, Enterprise Mobility, Cloud Computing, SaaS | License models and strategies under scrutiny | SLM and SAM in dynamic business environments
September 18 – 19, 2014 | Maritim Proarte Hotel Berlin

Smart|con SAP 2014 (conference in German language)
Konsolidierung von System- und Applikations- landschaften | Harmonisierung von Daten und Geschäftsprozessen | Umsetzungsstrategien und Erfolgsfaktoren für Konsolidierungsprojekte
November 10 – 11, 2014 | Maritim Proarte Hotel Berlin

For further information about the conference, please contact:

Peter Haack
Marketing Development Commander
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Phone: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 42
E-Mail: peter.haack(at)

Weitere Infos zu dieser Pressemeldung:
Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

we.CONECT Global Leaders is an international provider of B2B networking platforms focused on the development and deployment of strategies, tactics and solutions to allow customers the maximum value in their daily operations.

At the heart of everything we do is a basic trust in the power of the people with whom we work.

We care about our customers, our partners and our employees. This is our driving force and an integral part of our work. We invest our time, our knowledge and our strength in developing a product that is much more than a conference. This philosophy requires a climate in which ideas can grow with your business and your people. Promoting participation in open thinking, fresh ideas and innovative approaches. New faces are always welcome!

At we.CONECT the people and the intensive exchange of knowledge come first. The know-how behind we.CONECT is that of our employees. In the areas of research, marketing and event organization our experiences sum up to more than 40 years. We believe that there is no substitute for interactive learning, sharing ideas, knowledge and best practices. We use our formats and interaction to help our clients achieve their individual goals. we.CONECT organizes more than 20 premium conferences per year with a focus on best practices of world leaders and hidden champions, latest challenges, trends and technologies and discusses future developments on a unique networking platform.

We set high standards In the development of our conferences, communicate with renowned managers and executives and create unique live events.

We are constantly able to find new and innovative ways to design high-quality, market-focused events and provide them as required. If you have any suggestions or want to share your opinion, contact us via info(at)

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Peter Haack
Marketing Development Commander
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Phone: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 42
E-Mail: peter.haack(at)

drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Der neue PCoIP Zero Client von Rangee ist per Power-over-Ethernet betreibbar Droht ein Oracle Audit trotz Oracle ULA ?
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: CONECT
Datum: 20.05.2014 - 14:37 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1061804
Anzahl Zeichen: 5198



IT & Hardware & Software & TK

Meldungsart: Messeinformation
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 20.05.2014

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