Anstieg der akkreditierten Partner um 69 Prozent, neue Partner Academy Reihe gestartet
(firmenpresse) - Garching b. München, 24. Juni 2014: Der Netzwerkspezialist Brocade gibt einen signifikanten Anstieg bei der Anzahl seiner akkreditierten Partner in Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Afrika (EMEA) in der ersten Hälfte des Geschäftsjahres 2014 bekannt.
Die Gesamtzahl der akkreditierten Partner stieg um insgesamt 69 Prozent, vor allem aufgrund des regen Interesses am Brocade Certified Ethernet Fabric Professional Programm (BCEFP) ( . Das 2013 eingeführte Programm gilt als höchstes Akkreditierungslevel bei Brocade und verzeichnete in den vergangenen sechs Monaten einen massiven Zuwachs von mehr als 1.500 Prozent an BCEFP-Zertifikaten. Diese große Nachfrage wird auch von den Ergebnissen einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie ( gestützt, wonach mehr als 60 Prozent der Anwender der Meinung sind, dass die Nutzung von Fabric-basierten Netzwerken bis 2020 "Standard" oder "sehr verbreitet" sein wird.
John Mitchell, Head of Channels EMEA bei Brocade, verdeutlicht: "Bei vielen Altsystemen treten die Defizite immer deutlicher hervor. Unternehmen suchen verstärkt nach Technologiepartnern, die sie dabei unterstützen, zukunftsfähige Konzepte, Anwendungen und Dienstleistungen bereitzustellen. Mit unserem Akkreditierungsprogramm unterstützen wir unsere Partner beim Ausbau ihrer Expertise in Sachen Technologie und Vertrieb, die sie für den steigenden Bedarf an neuen Technologien wie Software-defined Networking (SDN), Ethernet Fabrics und Cloud-Diensten benötigen."
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Brocade Builds Momentum in EMEA with Partner Education Programme
SAN JOSE, Calif. - Juni 24, 2014: Networking specialist Brocade has reported significant growth in its accreditation partner base across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) in the first half of its financial year.
Brocade has seen a 69 percent increase in all partner accreditations, largely driven by interest in the Brocade Certified Ethernet Fabric Professional (BCEFP) level. Introduced in 2013 as the company"s highest level accreditation, Brocade has seen more than a 1,500 percent increase in BCEFP certifications in the past six months. This high level of interest is consistent with the recent finding that more than 60 percent of the channel believe fabric networks will be "standard" or "very common" in data centers by 2020.
John Mitchell, Head of Channels, EMEA, Brocade commented: "With many legacy networks now beginning to show their age, businesses are increasingly looking for technology partners to help them deliver next-generation innovation, applications and services. At Brocade, we have designed our accreditations to help our partners seize this opportunity, working with them to build the technical and sales expertise they need to meet the growing demand for emerging technologies such as Software Defined Networking, Ethernet fabrics and cloud."
The Brocade Certified Network Engineer accredited partner base has also seen significant growth in the past six months with new accreditations up by more than a quarter across EMEA.
The growth in accreditations follows a major drive from Brocade to help its partners improve their technical expertise. The company updated its Alliance Partner Network (APN) Program earlier in 2014 to enable partners to deliver next generation SDN and Ethernet fabric solutions to market. The company has also recently launched a series of webinars and Partner Academies on emerging technological and market trends.
"We have also had great success with our Partner Academy series, which has been rolled out across EMEA. Academies are already happening in the UK, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, France, UAE and Saudi Arabia, with many more being planned. We are delighted by the interest we have seen in these initiatives and look forward to continuing this momentum in the coming months," added Mitchell.
Brocade is now looking to build on this channel momentum in the second half of its financial year. The company is planning a major focus on sales accreditations within EMEA with incentives for those partners that complete sales training courses.
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