PresseKat - The Top 21 Quick & Easy Paleo Recipes Revealed In New Book

The Top 21 Quick & Easy Paleo Recipes Revealed In New Book

ID: 1088066 has brought a new addition to your Paleo diet in its book The Top 21 Quick & Easy Paleo Recipes, Eat Healthy, Lose Weight, Feel Great!â€.

(firmenpresse) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE has come up with a very concise cooking guide, “The Top 21 Quick & Easy Paleo Recipes, Eat Healthy, Lose Weight, and Feel Great!†This is the perfect book for all those health freaks there that always wanted to have weight loss, but did not want to part with tasty food.

This book offers 21 tasty, easy to make and quick recipes by Glori Winders. It takes you to the world of Paleo diet, the diet people had before the beginning of agriculture. These recipes therefore make extensive use of fish, eggs, grass-fed pasture raised meat, fruits, vegetable, roots, fungi and nuts, and a large number of their variations and do not use grains, processed oil, potatoes, dairy products, etc. The recipes include some like the Glori’s Best Guacamole, which are among her most requested recipes.

The recipes discussed are keeping in mind people who are on a diabetic diet, who are cooking low carb food, who have any sort of an allergy, or ones having yeast free and gluten free diet. Actually, Paleo diet has tremendous health benefits and is ideal for keeping a check on blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin levels. They work at reducing your appetite as well.

Kids usually show a lot of tantrums in having food. It is a generation of junk loving people and feeding them healthy food is a task., therefore, has shared 25 kid’s friendly recipes here as well. These tasty dishes will surely make you a favorite among the children.

A copy of the book is a must for all those who wish to have a sense of control over their health and dietary habits. This will enable you to eat healthy and lead a fresh happy life.

Glory Winders, the brain behind, is a wife, mother, author, minister, speaker, worship leader, singer, crafter, cook and a full time traveler. Her husband Tim and she have been avid travelers and love exploring the world. She is proud of her two children, Joshua and Dulce. She wants to help people lead an abundant life, full of spirit and soul in a healthy body.

To know more about the author and her offerings in this book, please visit

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Glori Winders, Author


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: alexaz91
Datum: 23.07.2014 - 20:45 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1088066
Anzahl Zeichen: 2843

Ansprechpartner: Glori Winders

Los Angeles

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Mode & Lifestyle

Meldungsart: Personalie
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 22/07/2014

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