eyevis präsentiert neues Large-Format Ultra HD-Display für Broadcast und Digital-Signage-Anwendungen auf der IBC
(PresseBox) - Höchste Auflösung, flüssige und lebendige Bilder sowie eine großflächige Darstellung für den Einsatz in Digital Signage-Anwendungen oder vor und hinter der Kamera in TV-Studios: Das ermöglicht das neue 85? Ultra HD-LC-Display mit 50/60 Hz, einer Auflösung von 3.840 x 2.160 Px und einem OPS-kompatiblen EPU-Slot für einen integrierten Scaler. Durch die anpassungsfähige Farbtemperatur ist das Display ideal für den Einsatz im Broadcast-Bereich. eyevis zeigt das neue 85?? Ultra HD-Display mit 50/60 Hz vom Typ EYE-LCD-8500-QHD-LD erstmals vom 12.?16.09.14 auf der IBC in Amsterdam auf Stand 9B24.
50/60 Hz-Bildfrequenz für die optimale Anpassung an Broadcast-Bedingungen sowie höchste Auflösung, lebendige Bilder und brillante Farben für verlässlichen 24/7-Betrieb in Digital Signage-Anwendungen: Das bietet das neue 85?? Ultra HD-Display von eyevis. Zugeschnitten auf die Anforderungen im professionellen Einsatz lässt sich das Display dank der 50/60 Hz-Bildfrequenz direkt mit üblichen Studiotakten synchronisieren. Zudem kann es schnell an die vor TV-Kameras benötige Farbtemperatur von 3200° Kelvin angepasst werden.
Beste Bildeigenschaften bei Digital-Signage-Anwendungen, auch in hellem Umgebungslicht, bietet das Display durch die hohe Helligkeit von 500 cd/m² bei einem Farbraum bis 100% NTSC, den Kontrast von 3000:1 und die Local-Dimming-Funktion. Dank der hochwertigen Komponenten und dem robusten Metallgehäuse ist das Display zudem für verlässlichen 24/7-Betrieb geeignet. Zusätzlich kann das Display dank eines OPS-kompatiblen EPU-Slots mit einem Scaler ausgestattet werden, der einen 3G HD-SDI-Anschluss bietet. Für Digital-Signage-Anwendungen kann der Slot mit einer Standard-eyeProcessing-Unit ausgestattet werden.
Optional auch mit Multitouch-Oberfläche.
Sein komplettes Potenzial für Broadcast- und Digital-Signage-Anwendungen entfaltet das 85?-Display mit einem optionalen Multitouch-System auf Infrarot-Basis mit zwei, sechs oder 32 simultanen Touch-Punkten. Dort eignet sich das Display hervorragend für die Darstellung interaktiver Inhalte zur Information und Gruppeninteraktion mit mehreren Betrachtern. Durch die hohe Ultra HD-Auflösung bietet das Display auch dann ein klares Bild, wenn die Betrachter nur eine Armeslänge davon entfernt sind.
Technische Daten
?Display-Auflösung: 3.840 x 2.160 (16:9)
?Bildschirmdiagonale: 85? (ca. 216 cm)
?Helligkeit: 500 cd/m2
?Kontrast: 3.000:1
?Betrachtungswinkel: H:176° / V:176°
?Reaktionszeit: 8 ms (typ.)
eyevis from Reutlingen in Germany is specialized in the development and production of high-quality large screen systems and guarantees a continuous further development in high-tech, quality and complete specific customer display solutions. Besides the rear projection units, based on the DLP(TM) Technology from Texas Instruments and controllers to manage multi-projection walls, eyevis is also developing intelligent software solutions to achieve a complete, unique and perfect large screen system. The name eyevis stands for quality, innovation, flexible and redundant systems and solutions in the field of large screen visualisation. For every application, whether control room or communications, conference or congress area, foyer, show room, information system, exhibition, convention, event or training centre, eyevis offers a solution tailored to your individual requirements with the best image quality. The product range also includes high-resolution TFT LCD monitors and special solutions for simulation and virtual reality applications.
eyevis' ambitious principle has always been the permanent further development of its product range which aspires to include the most modern technologies in perfect quality. The result of this "state-of-the-art" philosophy is the permanent development of products which constitute cutting-edge technology in their field of application. This makes eyevis one of very few manufacturers who are able to provide complete systems - high-end quality "Made in Germany ".
Thanks to its many years of experience and technological advantage eyevis is the ideal partner for the realisation of complete and customised solutions. Continuous investments in research and development guarantee a head start in the field of large screen technology.
eyevis has a worldwide network of offices, subsidiaries and Service & Sales partners that have trained engineers for consultancy, installation and service for eyevis systems in their country or region. Today, after 15 years of experience and presence in the fields of large screen visualisation eyevis has become one of the leading producers of large screen technology. eyevis systems can be found in numerous control rooms and other applications all over the world.
eyevis from Reutlingen in Germany is specialized in the development and production of high-quality large screen systems and guarantees a continuous further development in high-tech, quality and complete specific customer display solutions. Besides the rear projection units, based on the DLP(TM) Technology from Texas Instruments and controllers to manage multi-projection walls, eyevis is also developing intelligent software solutions to achieve a complete, unique and perfect large screen system. The name eyevis stands for quality, innovation, flexible and redundant systems and solutions in the field of large screen visualisation. For every application, whether control room or communications, conference or congress area, foyer, show room, information system, exhibition, convention, event or training centre, eyevis offers a solution tailored to your individual requirements with the best image quality. The product range also includes high-resolution TFT LCD monitors and special solutions for simulation and virtual reality applications.
eyevis' ambitious principle has always been the permanent further development of its product range which aspires to include the most modern technologies in perfect quality. The result of this "state-of-the-art" philosophy is the permanent development of products which constitute cutting-edge technology in their field of application. This makes eyevis one of very few manufacturers who are able to provide complete systems - high-end quality "Made in Germany ".
Thanks to its many years of experience and technological advantage eyevis is the ideal partner for the realisation of complete and customised solutions. Continuous investments in research and development guarantee a head start in the field of large screen technology.
eyevis has a worldwide network of offices, subsidiaries and Service & Sales partners that have trained engineers for consultancy, installation and service for eyevis systems in their country or region. Today, after 15 years of experience and presence in the fields of large screen visualisation eyevis has become one of the leading producers of large screen technology. eyevis systems can be found in numerous control rooms and other applications all over the world.