PresseKat - The door control unit TZ 320: Elegance made from steel - strong and sophisticated

The door control unit TZ 320: Elegance made from steel - strong and sophisticated

ID: 1111986

(PresseBox) - The TZ 320 door control unit controls free emergency exit routes and secured doors protecting sensitive areas at the same time. It is the central control unit of each system component of the GEZE SecuLogic escape route system. The new TZ 320 Stainless Steel with LED back-lighting also satisfies the request of many building operators for "visual resilience". It is a design highlight made from polished and deburred stainless steel that offers even more security. The high-grade processed 1.5 millimetre thick stainless steel V2A secures the door control unit from vandalism. A sabotage alarm is triggered in the event of unauthorised removal of the front plate. With three models - standard with key push buttons, with RFID reader and a special application without emergency buttons, e.g. for nursing facilities - the right solution is available for any requirements.
The TZ 320 Stainless Steel enables three types of installation: a surface and flush-mounted solution with a stainless steel flush-mounted box or installation in standard flush-mounted casings. With only four screws, installation is fast and easy. The virtually identical design of the front plates on the surface and flush mounted solutions contribute to a uniform look for the building. The lighting of the emergency exit sign can also be carried out subsequently. The implementation of the TZ 320 Stainless Steel has also been accepted into the test certificate of the P-3360-09 of the TZ 320.
Security in the system
The door control units in the TZ 320 series provide a large number of interfaces. In interacting with swing door drives, motor locks or access control systems, they guarantee ? depending on the situation ? faultless usage of a door in all function types. Messages to higher-level building systems or the GEZE building system are also possible. With a standard of three freely parameterized entrances and two freely parameterized exits, without any additional components the TZ 320 provides high functionality and thereby the greatest possible planning certainty. Requirements that emerge at a later time can be conveniently implemented.

GEZE at the Security in Essen from September 23 - 26, 2014 in Hall 3, Stand 608 International trade fair for security and fire protection Technology

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Systemlösungen von GEZE verbinden verschiedene Anforderungen an Sicherheit, Funktionalität und Komfort in einem System Die Türzentrale TZ 320: Edel aus Stahl - stark und schick
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 23.09.2014 - 14:18 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1111986
Anzahl Zeichen: 2359





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