PresseKat - Laempe&Mössner und Sintokogio beschließen strategische Partnerschaft

Laempe&Mössner und Sintokogio beschließen strategische Partnerschaft

ID: 1212256

(PresseBox) - Laempe & Mössner, das weltweit führende Unternehmen im Bereich Kernmacherei-Technologie und die japanische Sintokogio Co., Ltd. (?Sinto?), der weltgrößte Gießereimaschinenhersteller, haben eine strategische Partnerschaft vereinbart. Das börsennotierte Unternehmen aus Nagoya erwirbt 40 Prozent an dem deutschen Familienunternehmen, die Eigentümerfamilie Mössner bleibt mit 60 Prozent Mehrheitseigner.
Das Unternehmen wird zukünftig unter ?Laempe Moessner Sinto GmbH? firmieren.
Bitte entnehmen Sie weitere Informationen der angehängten Pressemeldung. Auf einer Pressekonferenz im Rahmen der weltweit wichtigsten Branchenmesse, der GIFA (16.-20.6.2015) in Düsseldorf werden beide Unternehmenschefs Details zur Partnerschaft erläutern.
Als angehängtes Bildmotive sehen Sie Laempe & Mössner-Geschäftsführer Andreas Mössner.
Laempe & Mössner and Sintokogio enter into strategic partnership
Participation of the world's largest foundry manufacturer at the German family business
Owning family Mössner remains majority owner
Laempe & Mössner, the world leader in the field of core moulding technology and the Japanese Sintokogio Co., Ltd (Later as Sinto), the world's largest foundry machinery manufacturing group have agreed on a strategic partnership. The company from Nagoya acquires 40 percent stake in the German family-owned enterprise, the owner family Mössner remains 60 percent majority shareholder. Laempe & Mössner GmbH will now operate under the name "Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH".
"We are very excited about the new partnership with Sinto since it strengthens our position in the world market and we can develop our internationalization strategy as planned. With the globally active Sinto group we achieve a direct access to many production sites worldwide, particularly in the emerging economies. In addition, we are strengthening our sales opportunities in the Japanese automotive sector significantly. Together, we strive for a durable and successful partnership that will benefit both companies, "explains Andreas Mössner, Managing Director of Laempe & Mössner.

The Sinto Group is represented in 12 countries worldwide and achieved in 2013 with around 3,800 employees generated sales of more than EUR 700 million. Founded in 1934, mainly engaged in the business areas foundry plants and surface treatment. Laempe & Mössner is innovative solution developer for core shooters in the foundry industry. 300 employees work at two locations in Meitzendorf (Saxony-Anhalt/Headquarter) and Schopfheim (Baden-Württemberg). With a turnover of around EUR 65 million (2013), the family is one of the 100 largest companies in Saxony-Anhalt. Besides strategic advantages the new partnership is expected to lift synergies in the areas of purchasing, sales and research and development.
"The strategic partnership is logical and brings benefits for everyone involved. In addition to the synergies, the partnership means a real added value for our customers: With the world's leading core moulding technology from Laempe & Mössner we complete our portfolio as a complete solution provider for foundries. We have made very good experiences in the past with partnerships of this kind and we look forward to the successful and trustful collaboration", explains Atsushi Nagai, President of Sinto.
The details on partnership are explained by Andreas Mössner and Atsushi Nagai at the GIFA, the world's largest foundry trade fair from 16 to 20 June in Dusseldorf at a press conference. For this event press invitations will be sent prior to the Trade Fair yet.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 13.05.2015 - 16:16 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1212256
Anzahl Zeichen: 3738





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