PresseKat - Choir Festival Praga Cantat 2015 and International Vienna Advent Singing Festival 2015

Choir Festival Praga Cantat 2015 and International Vienna Advent Singing Festival 2015

ID: 1215054

Popular choir tours still available to book now!

(firmenpresse) - Each autumn international choirs visit the city on the Vltava and the International Choral Festival with Competition Praga Cantat to determine the best choirs of the competition. At the invitation of the city of Prague, this year´s festival will be held over the period 29.10. to 01.11.2015 and will take place in the beautiful Majakovski Hall of the National House. The Praga Cantat Competition and Festival has established to an outstanding choral event in the recent 28 years to which over 800 choirs of all categories based in 40 countries have attended.
The festival program also includes a reception for all choir directors by representatives of the city of Prague in the historical Old Town Hall, a city tour including the visit of the Prague Castle as well as an official closing evening with awards ceremony.

Another choir occasion of international ranking is the International Advent Singing Festival Vienna 2015. The choral festival is an event of the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna and is traditionally held over four weekends during Advent in the Festival Hall of the Vienna City Hall. This year international choirs have the opportunity to take part in the 34th edition of this choral event, that will be held over these weekends: 26.11. to 30.11., 03.12. to 07.12., 10.12. to 14.12. and 17.12. to 21.12.2015. Have your choir join this event and perform traditional as well as Advent songs at different performance venues in front of the Viennese audience.
During your stay you will also visit a traditional Heurigen Restaurant in the wine village of Gumpoldskirchen including a hearty dinner and a guided city tour of Vienna.

The choir travel agency MC MusiCultur Travel GmbH would like to invite interested choirs to attend the International choir festivals Praga Cantat 2015 and Advent Singing Vienna 2015. For further information please visit

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MC MusiCultur Travel GmbH specializes in choir and music tours.
In close cooperation with international choral societies, church institutions and Festival organizers we organize choir festivals and choir competitions with international participation and also offer individual tailored choir tours.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Connektar
Datum: 21.05.2015 - 12:20 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1215054
Anzahl Zeichen: 2215

Ansprechpartner: Marita Werres


Telefon: 0049/228/28986012


Kunst und Kultur


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"Choir Festival Praga Cantat 2015 and International Vienna Advent Singing Festival 2015"
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