PresseKat - Konu?mac? ajans? CSA'ya ilkbahar geldi

Konu?mac? ajans? CSA'ya ilkbahar geldi

ID: 1353455

(PresseBox) - 2016'n?n ilk aylar?n? geride b?rakmakla beraber, konu?mac? ajans? CSA bir çok heyecan verici projeye imza atm?? bulunmakta.
Efsane kaleci ve dev isim Oliver Kahn daha birkaç gün önce personel arac?l??? yapmakta olan ünlü bir ajansa misafir oldu. Futbol uzman?, "1 numara felsefesi" konulu bir konferans vererek seyircilere ilham verdi. Oliver Kahn sunumlar?nda, sporda ve günlük i? ortamlar?ndaki yüksek performans?n önemine yer verdi. Sky Almanya ve Sky ?talya'da sunucu olarak çal??an Sarah Valentina Winkhaus etkinli?in moderatörlü?ünü yapt?.
Büyüleyici ve i?ine hakim tav?rlar?yla WINKHAUS ak?ama ???k saçt? ve böylece etkinli?in ba?ar?l? gerçekle?mesine katk?da bulundu.
?ubat ay?nda ?sveç'li Fütürist Stefan Hyttfors uluslararas? bir yaz?l?m ?irketinin yakla??k 300 sat?? personeli önünde sunum yapt?. Stefan Hyttfors yeni perspektifler göstererek, yenilikçi fikirlerin ve yeni teknolojilerin ?irket ba?ar?s?n?n neden olmazsa olmazlar? oldu?unu örnek yorlarla aç?klad?. Sahip oldu?u tecrübe ve kapsaml? bilgi da?arc??? onu dünya çap?nda aranan bir konu?mac? konumuna getirmi?tir.
Eski WikiLeaks sözcüsü ve internet aktivisti Daniel Domscheit- Berg, Köln'de "Dijital f?rt?na öncesi - Gelecekteki medya dünyas?n?n sorumluluklar? ve sonuçlar?" konulu bir konferans verdi. Dijital devrim toplumu ve i? dünyas?n? nas?l de?i?tirecek? Siber sald?r?lar kapsam?nda bt güvenligine yöneltilen gereksinimler nelerdir? Bu ve di?er konulara tutkulu konu?malar?nda yer veren Domscheit- Berg, yenilikçi fikirleri ile seyirciyi büyüledi.
Bu ve di?er pek çok ilham verici konu?mac?lara ula?abilirsiniz.

At CSA, the knowledgeable and experienced personnel located in more than a twelve local offices throughout the world combine their individual and collective knowledge that will guide you every step of the way to plan a truly unforgettable event.

From your phone call, e-mail, fax or letter we will take appropriate steps to understand your brief; your audience's and your own objectives, create a speaker's profile, and carry out an extensive search to match the built profile.
Once your approval is obtained we will brief the chosen speaker. We will make sure that the speaker both understands and agrees to all the terms and conditions of the brief. We liaise to make certain that all the necessary arrangements are made for the speaker to be there on the day. Even if you need a last minute replacement we will use our best endeavours to offer a suitable speaker.
You will have the peace of mind knowing that the speaker fully understands what is required and is fully prepared and ready to deliver a memorable presentation that will surpass your expectations.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

At CSA, the knowledgeable and experienced personnel located in more than a twelve local offices throughout the world combine their individual and collective knowledge that will guide you every step of the way to plan a truly unforgettable event.
From your phone call, e-mail, fax or letter we will take appropriate steps to understand your brief; your audience's and your own objectives, create a speaker's profile, and carry out an extensive search to match the built profile.
Once your approval is obtained we will brief the chosen speaker. We will make sure that the speaker both understands and agrees to all the terms and conditions of the brief. We liaise to make certain that all the necessary arrangements are made for the speaker to be there on the day. Even if you need a last minute replacement we will use our best endeavours to offer a suitable speaker.
You will have the peace of mind knowing that the speaker fully understands what is required and is fully prepared and ready to deliver a memorable presentation that will surpass your expectations.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 04.05.2016 - 15:12 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1353455
Anzahl Zeichen: 3003




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