PresseKat - M-Commerce’s share of global online retail forecasted to exceed 50% by 2021, highlights

M-Commerce’s share of global online retail forecasted to exceed 50% by 2021, highlights report

ID: 1502681

Based in Hamburg, Germany,, a secondary online retail research company, has published a new report “Global M-Commerce Market 2017” that provides information about more than 25 countries across the globe, including the forecast that “over half of online retail sales will stem from M-Commerce by 2021” relays CEO & Founder, Yücel Yelken, with multiple countries having already exceeded this mark. The report also highlights the key trend of digital purchasing via mobile apps.

(firmenpresse) - As of 2016, mobile sales accounted for a double-digit share of B2C E-Commerce sales globally and are forecasted to surpass 50% by 2021, underlines the report. In specific countries like China, South Korea, and India, M-Commerce’s share already exceeds one-half and continues growing. These countries also had the largest share of digital users who completed purchases through apps, a trend gaining traction worldwide. In Asia, North America, and Europe, apps were also more preferred than mobile browsers. In an effort to contend with this demand, a hefty double-digit share of the world’s leading retailers will invest towards developing more apps this year.

Consumer surveys cited in the report reveal that clothes, electronics, books and games made up the leading product categories purchased via mobile. Mobile shoppers were motivated to make purchases due to convenience and the fact that they can do online shopping from anywhere. Mexico provides an example where two in three mobile shoppers preferred mobile devices because shopping apps saved time.

Despite its wide success, M-Commerce is still seeing certain obstacles. The report showcases how in a country like France, nearly half of shoppers stated that personal data security is a major concern in mobile buying, and in the USA, where secure access was digital buyers’ leading issue when accessing shopping apps. In addition, the complication of mobile website usability still exists as admitted by nearly one in three digital shoppers in various markets across the globe, including Russia, South Africa, Brazil, Singapore and Switzerland.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, is one of the world's leading secondary market research companies. We are committed to providing the most up-to-date and objective data on Global B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment markets to sector-leading companies worldwide.

Our multilingual staff researches, gathers, filters and translates information from thousands of reputable sources to synthesize accurate and timely reports in our areas of expertise, covering more than 100 countries and all global regions. Our market reports focus predominantly on online retail and payments, but also cover a broad range of related topics including M-Commerce, Cross-Border E-Commerce, E-Commerce Delivery, Online Gaming and many others. In addition to our wide selection of market reports, we also provide custom market research services.

We are proud to cooperate with companies like Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters. Given our numerous citations in leading media sources and journals worldwide, including Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, we are considered one of the most highly-reputed international secondary market research companies with an expertise in the areas of B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: ystatspr
Datum: 22.06.2017 - 15:17 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1502681
Anzahl Zeichen: 2164

Ansprechpartner: Yücel Yelken

Behringstrasse 28a, D-22765 Hamburg

Telefon: +49 40 390 90 68 50



Meldungsart: Produktinformation
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 22.06.2017

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"M-Commerce’s share of global online retail forecasted to exceed 50% by 2021, highlights report"
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