PresseKat - Who we are

Who we are

ID: 1549796

As an Odoo partner in Germany, we offer flexible and agile solutions with fast delivery at lower prices. Our integrated and individualized approach, along with on-demand developers, resources, and support, ensure successful ERP implementation and digitalization for businesses of all sizes.

(firmenpresse) - Consultancy
Working closely with you to understand your business needs and goals & develop a customized solution for you

Ensure your Odoo implementation is fully customized to meet your unique business needs

A team of experienced developers who has deep expertise in Odoo customization and development

Expert training services to help you and your team become proficient in using the Odoo platform

Comprehensive support services to ensure your Odoo implementation continues to function smoothly over time

Weitere Infos zu dieser Pressemeldung:
Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

+49 30 430956890

Haus Cumberland
Kurfürstendamm 194
10707 Berlin, Germany

drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Digitalize Your Business with Odoo ERP!
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: waqar88n
Datum: 16.04.2023 - 01:11 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1549796
Anzahl Zeichen: 971

Ansprechpartner: +49 30 430956890


Telefon: +49 30 430956890



Meldungsart: Unternehmensinfos
Versandart: Veröffentlichung

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Digitalize Your Business with Odoo ERP! ...

As an Odoo partner in Germany, we offer flexible and agile solutions with fast delivery at lower prices. Our integrated and individualized approach, along with on-demand developers, resources, and support, ensure successful ERP implementation and dig ...

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