(firmenpresse) - With Letter of Accreditation of 19th January 2007 of the Executive Director of WASME - World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises, Dr. Arun Agrawal to the General Director UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, appointed Susanne Forstinger, proprietor of HELVETIA MONTRES, as Permanent Representative and Norbert W.Knoll - Dornhoff as Alternate Representative.
The Permanent Mission will liaise with UN Organizations, specifically with UNIDO, with relevant Institutions of the European Union and Delegations thereto, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and other financial sources, whose activities are of importance for Small and Medium Enterprises.
WASME Mission’s Services are available to the Privat Sector of the European Industry and their Representatives who seek effective contacts with the relevant divisions of UNIDO to discuss and implement projects in selected Member Countries of UNIDO.
The Permanent Mission can be reached as follows:
A-1140 Vienna, Bujattigasse 13, Austria
Ph.: (+43) 1- 216 23 73 – 20, (+36) 1- 315 10 59
(Director Administration: Mr. Johann Forstinger)
e-mail: wasme-vienna(at)lycos.de, web: www.wasme4unido.homestead.com