(PresseBox) - It is not commonly known, that also aerospace companies can register aero-domains. Aerospace companies should not miss this chance. Do not make the mistake of the NASA, which is not the owner of nasa.org. Nobody knows how much traffic
companies are losing by not having registered their own name at .aero. But it is for sure: The decision for the aero-domain creates only small costs, which every company can pay easily. The loses are definetly higher, if you do not register your name as aero-domain.
In the future, everybody, who is interested, in flying, aviation, travelling, will search first at .aero. If you are not present at .aero, you will lose a part of the potential traffic and therefore a part of your potential profit. If you use an aero-domain as your main domain, everyone knows you are in the aviation business. Not only all visitors of your website understand immediately this, but also the recipients of your e-mails.
The aero-domain is a restricted and exclusive domain. It is only available for members of the aviation community. The aviation community is a very broad one. Not only pilots, stewardesses and students of aviation belong to it, but e.g. also modell makers and para-gliders.You have to prove that you belong to the aviation community by the Community Membership ID and the Password. If you have not got yet any Membership ID and Password by SITA, it is sufficient, that you send us your "credentials" with your domain applications. You can send us e.g.the adress of your domain or URL with aviation content.
The domain names must no longer reflect company's name or a trade mark since September 2 2002. You can register now at .aero the name of your choice, e.g. a product or service. As this possibility exists since a short time, many good generic terms, which are an excellent and cheap advertising opportunity, are still free.Imagine how many visitors can attract terms like paris.aero, newyork.aero or travelagency.aero which are typed by consumers into the browers?
Hans-Peter Oswald