Berlin, 22nd & 23rd October 2007
The public servants of 15 Member States will meet on the 22nd and 23rd October 2007 in Berlin during the “European Conference on the Cohesion Fund 2007-2013”. The challenges of the new cohesion politics in the European Union and efficient programme management will be discussed.
(firmenpresse) - The Member States expect a lot from the newly defined cohesion policies during the period 2007-2013. The reformation brings along new aims: emphasis on the implementation of the Lisbon Agenda, more consideration of the problems and peculiarities of the regions, intensive funding for innovations through the extension of research and innovation capacities. The Member States shall be enabled to implement the programs in a better and more efficient way through the exact definition of the cohesion aims by increasing the service quality and improving the connection.
It seems even more important to show European solidarity for those states in which regions show shortfalls in the field of infrastructure and environmental protection in comparison to the economically stronger states. After finding consistent regulations for the financial funding and establishing extensive management systems on a European level, it is a task for the Member States to implement these structures and thus fulfil the joint effort with regional content.
The changes in the cohesion policies pose new challenges for these Member States. The reformation of the cohesion policies also gives the current fund administration a new direction.
The European Conference on the Cohesion Fund addresses the issues of the fund management and highlights its main practical problems. All the Member States that finance infrastructure projects through the Cohesion Fund are offered a unique chance to discuss the crucial questions about the implementation of the European Regulations. The practical approach will enable to gain relevant necessary knowledge and information, to present individual concepts to experts and to find solutions with other peers.
This conference offers the unique chance to compare the best experiences in Europe. This comparison is planned to result in better efficiency, better understanding and better solutions in each individual country.
The different phases of funding resources from the cost benefit analysis to the financial control will be discussed from the viewpoint of the advantaged states. The involved Member States will speak about their experience in projects demonstrating complicated situations regarding the public procurement law.
Furthermore, the area Public Private Partnerships with regards to the Cohesion Fund will be analysed. The qualified and well-known speakers will demonstrate good practice in Europe in the fields of transportation and environmental protection from the viewpoint of old and new Member States. In addition to the practical speeches, there will be many discussion forums with the speakers. The official language of the conference will be English.
Europäische Akademie für Steuern, Wirtschaft & Recht
Hausvogteiplatz 13
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 - 80 20 80 235
Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 80 20 80 250
Your contact person:
Joanna Brzezinska M.A.
Conference Manager