(ots) - Deutsche Industrie fordert Abbau aller
Handelsschranken zwischen USA und Deutschland
- Wachstumsschub von bis zu 3,5 Prozent
- Zusammenarbeit bei Normen und Standards vertiefen
- Gemeinsame Erklärung von BDI und Business Roundtable
30. November 2011
Der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) fordert einen
neuen Anlauf in der transatlantischen Partnerschaft. Ziel einer
solchen Partnerschaft ist die Abschaffung sämtlicher Handelshemmnisse
zwischen Deutschland und den USA. Dazu gehören Zölle und sogenannte
nicht-tarifäre Handelshemmnisse wie Normen oder Standards.
Deutsche und US-amerikanische Wirtschaftsführer fordern die
Vertiefung der regulatorischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden
Volkswirtschaften und verstärkte Investitionen. Das gaben der BDI und
sein amerikanischer Partnerverband U.S. Business Roundtable am
Mittwoch in Berlin nach ihrem gemeinsamen BDI-U.S. Business
Roundtable in einer Gemeinsamen Erklärung bekannt.
"Die Abschaffung aller Handelsbarrieren im transatlantischen Markt
bringt bis zu 3,5 Prozent mehr Wachstum in den USA und in Europa",
sagte BDI-Präsident Hans-Peter Keitel. "Es ist Zeit für eine stärkere
transatlantische Führung im internationalen Handel sowie bei
Investitionen und Regulierungen. Stärkere Zusammenarbeit in diesen
Bereichen ist entscheidend für Wachstum in den USA und der EU", sagte
Andrew Liveris vom Business Roundtable.
Zum BDI-U.S. Business Roundtable trafen sich auf Einladung des BDI
und seines amerikanischen Partnerverbandes, U.S. Business Roundtable,
Vorstandsvorsitzende führender deutscher und amerikanischer
Unternehmen. Geleitet wurden die Gespräche von BDI-Präsident
Hans-Peter Keitel und Andrew Liveris, Präsident und
Vorstandsvorsitzender der Dow Chemical Company. Die Gemeinsame
Erklärung ("Joint Declaration") finden Sie unten.
Der BDI hat investitionsagenda.de gestartet, damit wieder mehr in
Deutschlands Zukunft investiert wird. Nur mehr Investitionen schaffen
neues Wachstum, neue Beschäftigung und neue Aufstiegschancen. Mehr
auf www.investitionsagenda.de.
Joint Declaration:
German and U.S. Business Leaders Call for Action to Deepen the
Transatlantic Partnership
Members of the Business Roundtable (BRT) and the Federation of
German Industries (BDI) met today in Berlin and discussed proposals
for how U.S., German and other European business leaders can help
deepen U.S.-EU relations through the creation of a new Transatlantic
Partnership (TAP).
BRT and BDI welcome the decision of U.S. and EU leaders at the
recent EU-U.S. Summit to assess options for the strengthening of the
transatlantic economic relationship and enhanced cooperation on
global issues of common interest.
"We are encouraged by the resolve of US- and EU- leaders to take
further steps towards an integrated transatlantic market. Such a
vision is necessary to revitalize transatlantic leadership in
addressing critical current issues such as economic growth and job
creation through trade, investment, and effective regulation around
the world", said BDI President Hans-Peter Keitel. "Especially in
times of severe financial challenges, transatlantic leadership is
necessary to avoid protectionist and discriminatory measures."
According to the OECD, the dismantling of trade barriers is
economically most beneficial for both the EU and the U.S. and could
lead to up to 3.5 percent growth on both sides of the Atlantic.
"It is time for stronger transatlantic leadership on international
trade, investment, and regulatory issues. Increased cooperation and
collaboration on these issues is essential to driving economic
expansion in the United States and the EU," said Andrew Liveris,
Chairman and CEO of The Dow Chemical Company.
Following their meeting on economic, trade and energy policies the
business leaders were joined by Chancellor Angela Merkel. Together,
they discussed further steps towards a closer transatlantic economic
The BRT delegation was led by Andrew Liveris, Chairman and CEO of
The Dow Chemical Company. The BDI delegation was led by Hans-Peter
Keitel, President of BDI. Both delegations included a broad range of
companies representing significant investors in both countries.
About the Business Roundtable (BRT) Business Roundtable (BRT) is
an association of chief executive officers of leading U.S. companies
with over $6 trillion in annual revenues and more than 14 million
employees. BRT member companies comprise nearly a third of the total
value of the U.S. stock market and invest more than $150 billion
annually in research and development - nearly half of all private
U.S. R&D spending. BRT companies pay $163 billion in dividends to
shareholders and generate an estimated $420 billion in sales for
small and medium-sized businesses annually. BRT companies give nearly
$9 billion a year in combined charitable contributions.
About the Federation of German Industries (BDI) The Federation of
German Industries (BDI) is an association of associations. As
stipulated in the BDI statutes, membership is confined to "industrial
sector associations and working groups acting as umbrella
organizations to represent entire industrial groups within the
territory of the Federal Republic of Germany". Currently, the BDI has
38 Member federations and represents the interests of 100.000
businesses with 8 million employees. Membership is voluntary.
BDI Bundesverband der Dt. Industrie
Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin
Tel.: 030 20 28 1450
Fax: 030 20 28 2450
Email: presse(at)bdi.eu
Internet: http://www.bdi.eu