(firmenpresse) - DGAP-News: Betbull Holding SE / Key word(s): Final Results
Betbull release annual accounts 2011
30.03.2012 / 17:15
Betbull Holding SE ('Betbull') announces the release of group consolidated
audited financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2011
1. Financial highlights for the year 2011
- Betting stakes of EUR 75.3m down 2.5% compared to EUR 77.2m last year.
- Net gaming revenue of EUR 13.7m down 6.2% compared to EUR 14.6m last
- EBITDA of EUR (0.1)m down EUR 1.3m compared to EUR 1.2m last year.
- Adjusted EBITDA (before share benefit charges) of EUR 0.1m down EUR
1.4m compared to EUR 1.3m last year.
- Loss for the year of EUR (0.2)m down EUR 1.1m compared to profit of EUR
0.9m last year.
- Cash position as at 31 December 2011 of EUR 8.5m compared to EUR 8.8m
as at 31 December 2010.
The audited financial statements and the annual report for the year ended
31st December 2011 will be published on the corporate website
2. Business highlights in 2011
Betbull's business performance in 2011 was still affected by administrative
actions taken against Betbull's betting outlets in the Federal States of
Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate. Compared to the figures of 2010 the
shop closures in the above mentioned Federal States caused the decline of
stakes and profit. However the performance of the betting shops and betting
halls is stable and promising even though competition is increasing
With effect of 1 January 2012 the new Gaming Act in Schleswig-Holstein is
in force. Betbull will file its licence applications under the new Gaming
Act in due course and expects a positive response.
The Prime Ministers of the other 15 Federal States signed a new State
Treaty on Gaming ('Glückspieländerungsstaatsvertrag') in December 2011; the
new State Treaty on Gaming is expected to come into force by 1 July 2012.
According to the Glückspieländerungsstaatsvertrag up to 20 sports betting
licences (retail and online) will be issued. Sports betting turnovers will
be levied with 5%.
Commenting on today's press release Alexander Leip, Managing Director of
Betbull Holding SE, said:
'We really appreciate the approach of Schleswig-Holstein to establish a
liberalized gaming market which is consistent with Federal and European
law. We hope that the regulation of the gaming market in the other Federal
States under the given terms will be executed in due course and a fair
manner. We believe that Betbull is prepared to expand its retail betting
business in a fully regulated market fast and significantly - through
organic growth, acquisitions and strategic partnerships.
Betbull is in the process of filing the necessary betting licences under
the new Gaming Act in Schleswig-Holstein and prepares itself to apply for a
betting licence under the new State Treaty on Gaming.'
Betbull Holding SE
Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2011
Continuing operations 2011 2010- ENDS -
Net gaming revenue 13,651,486 14,581,779
Operating expenses (2,993,116) (2,545,809)____________________
Gross profit 10,658,370 12,035,970
Personnel expenses (5,846,564) (5,593,936)
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment (455,974) (570,601)
Other operating income 49,148 94,766
Administrative expenses (4,949,725) (5,368,143)
Operating (loss)/profit (544,745) 598,056
Financial income 52,387 10,557
Financial expenses (711) (67,789)
(Loss)/profit before tax (493,069) 540,824
Taxation 260,959 (685,261)
Continuing Operations (continued)
Loss after tax for the year from
continuing operations (232,110) (144,437)
Discontinued operations
Profit for the year from discontinued - 1,034,844
(Loss)/profit for the year (232,110) 890,407
Attributable to
- Equity holders of the parent (232,110) 890,407
(Loss)/profit per share
Basic EUR(0.02) EUR0.08
Diluted EUR(0.02) EUR0.08
Betbull Holding SE
Consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2011
Assets 2011 2010
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 1,214,035 723,161
Goodwill 15,661,054 15,495,381
Investments 23,400 23,400
Deferred tax assets 180,154 70,614
17,078,643 16,312,556
Current assets
Inventories 312,859 349,156
Trade and other receivables 1,763,894 1,788,173
Cash and cash equivalents 8,456,325 8,828,671
10,533,078 10,966,000
Total 27,611,721 27,278,556
Equity attributable to equity holders
of the company
Share capital 11,714,624 11,714,624
Retained earnings 5,009,547 (13,095,008)
Share benefit reserve 870,234 747,160
Cumulative translation reserve 210,821 210,821
Capital reserves 7,056,732 25,393,397
24,861,958 24,970,994
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 2,084,733 1,835,351
Corporation tax payable 665,030 472,211
2,749,763 2,307,562
Total 27,611,721 27,278,556
Betbull Holding SE
Consolidated cash flow statement for year ended 31 December 2011
2011 2010
Cash flows from operating activities
(Loss)/profit before tax from continuing operations (493,069)540,824
Profit before tax from discontinued operations - 1,034,844
(493,069) 1,575,668
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation 455,974 570,601
Interest received (52,387) (10,557)
Interest paid 711 67,789
Income tax received/(paid) 344,047 (606,523)
Share benefit expenses 123,074 108,919
Loss on sale of fixed assets 8,946 -
Adjustment for subsidiary sold - (2,707,859)
387,296 (1,001,962)
Movements in trade and other receivables 24,279 1,113,912
Movements in trade and other payables 249,572 534,649
Movements in inventories 36,297 (54,136)
310,148 1,594,425
Net cash used in operating activities 697,444 592,463
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (958,091) (445,420)
Acquisitions (165,673) (251,836)
Interest received 52,387 10,557
Proceeds of sale of fixed assets 2,298 -
Earn out payments - (525,000)
Proceeds of sale of subsidiary - 3,831,760
Net Cash used in investing activities (1,069,079) 2,620,061
Cash flows from financing activities
Issue of ordinary shares - 900,000
Interest paid (711) (67,789)
Net cash generated from financing activities (711) 832,211
Net movement in cash and cash equivalents (372,346) 4,044,735
Cash and cash equivalents at
the beginning of the year 8,828,671 4,783,936
Cash and cash equivalents at
the end of the year 8,456,325 8,828,671