SolarTec AG assumes responsible position in technical project coordination
(firmenpresse) - German photovoltaics company SolarTec AG was elected as industrial partner of the European Photovoltaics Project APOLLON (Multi-APrOach for high Efficiency integrated and inteLLigent cON-centrating PV modules/systems). APOLLON, a cooperation of European photovoltaic research insti-tutions, aims at the development of high efficiency concentrator technology, focussing on innova-tive photovoltaic systems in the field of “PF -Point Focus” and “High Density-Mirror Based Spectra Splitting”.
SolarTec AG won recognition against strong competition of more than 400 project applicants, in-cluding worldwide renowned research institutes and universities. The total budget of the project amounts to approx. 11.7 Mio. €, of which 8.2 Mio. € will be funded by the EU.
Together with subsidiary company ENE, SolarTec AG is in funds of a 2.1 Mio. € budget (1.6 Mio. € funded by the EU) until 2012. Under the lead of CESI RICERCA (I), and in cooperation with 13 fur-ther renowned companies and institutes from 10 countries, SolarTec AG will develop an innovative, concentrator system for competitive, high-efficient photovoltaic electricity generation.
Solar Tec’s most important project partners are:
–CESI RICERCA, Milan, Italy
–AIXTRON, Aachen, Germany
–JRC, Ispra, Italy
–ECN, Petten, Netherlands
–ROBOTIKER ENERGÍA, Zamudia-Bizkaia, Spain
–ENEL, Italy
At the Kick-Off on July 10, 2008 in Milan, Italy, work contents and responsibilities of the project partners were fixed. Amongst others, project focus on in the development of a new, non-imaging lens (Fresnel and Prismatic lens), combining high concentration and optical performance with wide acceptance angles.
Another aspect in the research project is the enhancement of micro-solar-cells (multi-junction solar-cells) on the basis of III-V semiconductor materials deriving from space technology.
Thus the APOLLON project credits with a somehow historic role, aiming at photovoltaic efficiencies beyond 40%. In order to reach that, new materials for MJ (Multi Junction) solar cells will be tested and produced in Solar Tec’s laboratory. During extensive “indoor” and “outdoor” tests, the concen-trator-modules are checked on performance, quality and long life durability by reference measure-ments.
The tracking system is crucial for the efficient use of concentrator technology. SolarTec AG will develop a novel, intelligent and cost effective system that enables optimal performance of the com-plete system.
SolarTec AG commits itself to a responsible position in the technical coordination of the project, as well as, in implementing operational results into industrial production and commercialization of con-centrator PV-Technology.
Main tasks of SolarTec AG are:
Optimisation of primary lenses
Optimisation of the complete module production process
Long term stability of the modules (with JRC)
Optimisation of cost-effective, highly-precise tracking systems of SolarTec (jointly with ROBOTIKER ENERGĂŤA)
Development of secondary lenses
IEC-Certification (with JRC)
Construction of a test installation in Sicily (with ENEL)
ENE`s main tasks will be the development of “multi-layer-cells” with a concentration factor of 1000 and an effectiveness of more than 35%, as well as the production of Ge-Wafers for the whole con-sortium.
Further information on the internet relating to the project can be found under A complete list of all partner companies can be found under
Solar*Tec AG is a photovoltaics industry company which develops and markets highly efficient solar energy systems. The Solar*Tec Group is active in all three generations of Photovoltaics: crystalline silicon, thin film technology and concentrator PV (CPV).
One of the core-competences is the Sol*Con™-concentrator technology, which provides efficiency rates over 35 percent and generates solar energy up to 50 percent cheaper than conventional solar modules.
The services of the Solar*Tec Group include important steps of the value-creation-chain, amongst others wafer manufacturing for pv concentrator cells and pv concentrator modules, TCO-Glass (un-der construction), production of crystalline modules as well as turnkey construction of solar parks.
Sol*Con™ is a registered trademark of Solar*Tec AG.
Dr. Evangelos Zoidis, Head of Technology, zoidis(at)
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Sturm, Head of R&D, sturm(at)
Dr. Evangelos Zoidis, Head of Technology, zoidis(at)
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Sturm, Head of R&D, sturm(at)
Solar*Tec AG
Administration, R&D, Production
Uhlandstr. 13
85609 Aschheim near Munich
Tel. : +49 (89) 90 77 49 97-0
Fax: +49 (89) 90 77 49 97-69
Mail: info(at)