PresseKat - SEO Services Help Local Business Recover

SEO Services Help Local Business Recover

ID: 813815

Amplifying their online presence with SEO services helps local businesses attract new clients.

(firmenpresse) - New York, NY - In the age of Social Media, Pinterest and the popularity of video marketing, many local businesses now realize the great benefits that an increased internet marketing presence that comes from professional SEO services offers.

In addition, with the prevalence of smart phones, customers using local search when shopping to locate places to visit and shop is exploding. A quick web search leads people to exactly what they are looking for. If the local business is prevalent online and can be found during that search, most businesses understand that more clients are sure to follow.

Many local businesses want a steady stream of new clients, but in the current questionable economy do not know where to start. That is where Local Business SEO comes in. Local SEOd has just announced a new program catered towards helping local businesses with their online presence.

Their SEO services for local businesses are a brand new program that is designed to provide an all-in-one solution for local businesses at an affordable price point. The new SEO services start at only $500 per month. Many business owners are in the dark about ways that they can increase the visibility of their business. And most are so busy running their businesses that they have no time to learn a new skill such as local seo.

“It is important for local businesses to understand†says Local SEOd “that increased online visibility is within their grasp as well as affordableâ€. Some features of the new program include: search engine optimization, social media signals, building links, press releases, Google places, Yahoo and Bing local and more. Local SEOd is launching this new SEO services in order to help local business not only survive this economy but to also prosper in it.

The key to coming up high in online searches for Local Businesses is having SEO professionals working alongside them to dramatically increase their visibility. Often, because of the cost involved, this is out of reach for many local businesses. It is for that reason that Local SEOd has launched this program as a reasonable price point, starting at only $500 per month. So it can serve the interest of its customers, by helping them increase their bottom line revenues.

To learn more about performance based marketing local seo plans please click on the link above.

245 Park Ave. 24th and 39th floors
New York City, New York 10167

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Amplifying their online presence with SEO services helps local businesses attract new clients.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: ballijutt
Datum: 12.02.2013 - 17:22 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 813815
Anzahl Zeichen: 2722

Ansprechpartner: Local SEOd

245 Park Ave. 24th and 39th floors New York City, New York 10167

Telefon: 800-419-7150



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