PresseKat - Industry Gathering for Newspaper and Magazine Publishers on the Subject of Digitalization

Industry Gathering for Newspaper and Magazine Publishers on the Subject of Digitalization

ID: 860130

5th arvato Systems ‘Medienkompass’ on 25 April in Berlin

• arvato company is inviting decision-makers from the publishing industry to partake in an industry gathering in Berlin, Germany
• The latest topics and best practices will be outlined at the event under the motto ‘Digitalization.’

(firmenpresse) - (arvato Systems) Gütersloh, Germany – Numerous publishing experts have already signed up for the arvato Systems Medienkompass event. The guests are looking forward to an exciting series of lectures on the subject of digitalization. Networking is in the focus of the day, alongside field reports and expert lectures.

This year’s event will take place on 25 April. Managing directors, CIOs, consultants, and IT experts from the publishing industry will meet for the fifth time at the arvato Systems Medienkompass event in Berlin. arvato Systems will inform guests about publishing issues, the latest technology, and best practices in the IT at the annual industry gathering.

Current topics such as SEPA are also on the agenda, as well as fundamental questions such as “What does the future hold for publishing?” and “How will arvato Systems deal with market changes?” arvato Systems will also introduce specific offers for publishers including the new ‘mediaspectrum’ product, which covers the subject of cloud technology and the accompanying changes taking place in processing.

As well as the expert presentations, there will also be first-hand field reports on strategies that have been successfully implemented.

The center stage the agenda is ‘digitalization.’ As an exciting kick-off to the event, Samuel Hügli, former CFO of Ringier and author of one of the best-selling reference books on the subject of publishing, is set to hold the keynote speech. Cosmin-Gabriel Ene, founder of LaterPay, will explain why publishers shouldn’t rely solely on the much-lauded New York Times ‘Metered Model,’ but rather pursue holistic strategies in order to tap the potential of the paid content market. Content Fleet from Hamburg, Germany, will provide guests with answers to questions such as “How can I plan and produce working content?” and “How can I acquire new users with content?” Further themes of the day include video agent technology (whisbi, London) and business models for optimizing online performance (Adspert | Bidmanagement GmbH).

‘Medienkompass’ aims to provide guests with information, and support them during the decision-making process. For this reason, alongside the lectures, there will also be two workshops covering the “SEPA: How do we approach the subject?” and “mediaspectrum: A 360° view of a cloud model.”

The event has developed into a networking platform for the newspaper and magazine industry in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The customary get-together the night before the event helps add to this ‘network’ character.

Further information about the event can be found at

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arvato Systems is a systems integrator with a solid reputation. We not only implement standard software, but also offer tailor-made, industry-specific and individually developed solutions. About 2,500 dedicated employees at 25 sites throughout the world are always there for their customers. As part of the arvato network, a leading global BPO provider belonging to Bertelsmann, we have the unique capability to create entire value chains and combine IT with other arvato services to deliver an integrated service offer from one source. The strength of arvato Systems lies in the intelligent combination of systems integration and planning, operation and support. Our customers appreciate the way we bring in-depth industry know-how, cross-platform expertise, a true partnership approach, and genuine entrepreneurial spirit to the table. Our solutions pave the way for your success.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: arvatosystems
Datum: 25.04.2013 - 07:44 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 860130
Anzahl Zeichen: 3115



Computer & Technik

Meldungsart: Unternehmensinformation
Versandart: VerĂśffentlichung

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