PresseKat - MAPAL continuing on course for growth

MAPAL continuing on course for growth

ID: 913426

(PresseBox) - The international MAPAL Group ? one of the leading manufacturers of precision tools for the machining of metal and modern materials ? again achieved significant growth during the 2012 business year. Consolidated group sales rose from EUR 405 million in 2011 to EUR 440 million. The number of employees on the balance sheet reporting date (31.12.) had increased from 3,834 to 4,157 in 2012. MAPAL has further strengthened its position in all the important regions. Germany is still the most important market, followed by Asia, Europe and America.
"Our company is a market leader in many branches of industry. We see ourselves in a good position thanks to our broad industrial diversification and our international presence. As a family business we are not dependent on external investors. That gives us a great deal of freedom in our decision making," says President Dr. Dieter Kress.
In 2012 MAPAL spent an investment volume of EUR 50 million, predominantly on further expanding the production capacities and optimizing the production processes. The company concentrates here equally on expansion in both the international markets and at the headquarters in Aalen. One of the MAPAL Group's outstanding strengths is the research and development department which with its array of ultramodern machining centres and machine tools is unique on the market. It forms the backbone for the company's great innovative strength. The customers in the processing industry are looking first and foremost for an ongoing further development of profitability, energy efficiency and resource conservation in order to be able to maintain their technological lead and to produce sustainably.
"The steady growth in recent years is one of the results of our continuous large investments in the qualification of our employees, in buildings, machine park and international presence. The basis for our success are innovative products in excellent quality that we configure individually to meet the demands of our customers," says Dr. Kress. With its own production and sales network in 21 countries, MAPAL has a high degree of customer proximity and can thus react flexibly to current market development.

MAPAL anticipates further growth again in 2013. The company is expanding internationally into new markets and is growing in other demanding branches such as the aerospace industry. Group sales have continued to develop positively in the first five months of the current year. For the whole of 2013 MAPAL expects a further growth of five to seven percent. "After a very good year in 2012, we have again had a solid start to 2013. We can therefore look forward with cautious optimism to the rest of the year, even if some analysts tend to paint a rather more gloomy picture of the current economic climate," explains Dr. Dieter Kress. "We rely on our innovative strength and flexibility backed by the high competence and capabilities of our employees."

MAPAL Dr. Kress KG ? a medium-size family business ? has been one of world's the leading providers of precision tools for decades. With a strong focus on the fine machining of bores in cubic parts, MAPAL is the major specialist worldwide for innovative machining solutions of the highest quality, precision and cost-effectiveness. Since the founding of the business in 1950, MAPAL has grown quickly. The original specialisation on the guided single-bladed reamer became a specialisation in complete machining processes due to the expansion of the product range and the enlargement of the MAPAL Group.
The headquarters in Aalen continue to form the "home base" for the business, the core competences of the corporate group are concentrated here. In addition, all the competence centres responsible for the various product areas have their base in Germany. Today MAPAL is represented internationally by wholly-owned subsidiaries in 21 countries worldwide. These companies predominantly produce for the local market and provide customer service on site, in this way they ensure short reaction times. Today the corporate group employs more than 4,100 employees, of these there are more than 2,700 employees in Germany. MAPAL is present in 25 countries via representatives.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

MAPAL Dr. Kress KG ? a medium-size family business ? has been one of world's the leading providers of precision tools for decades. With a strong focus on the fine machining of bores in cubic parts, MAPAL is the major specialist worldwide for innovative machining solutions of the highest quality, precision and cost-effectiveness. Since the founding of the business in 1950, MAPAL has grown quickly. The original specialisation on the guided single-bladed reamer became a specialisation in complete machining processes due to the expansion of the product range and the enlargement of the MAPAL Group.
The headquarters in Aalen continue to form the "home base" for the business, the core competences of the corporate group are concentrated here. In addition, all the competence centres responsible for the various product areas have their base in Germany. Today MAPAL is represented internationally by wholly-owned subsidiaries in 21 countries worldwide. These companies predominantly produce for the local market and provide customer service on site, in this way they ensure short reaction times. Today the corporate group employs more than 4,100 employees, of these there are more than 2,700 employees in Germany. MAPAL is present in 25 countries via representatives.

drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Fast, reliable, efficient production: MAPAL at the EMO 2013 KUKA Systems auf der Messe BEIJING ESSEN WELDING & CUTTING
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 22.07.2013 - 09:31 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 913426
Anzahl Zeichen: 4335





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