PresseKat - Food Cutting Machinery Manufacturer Urschel International Ltd. Upgrades Portuguese Office

Food Cutting Machinery Manufacturer Urschel International Ltd. Upgrades Portuguese Office

ID: 977330

(firmenpresse) - Lisbon, Portugal — The Portuguese division of food cutting machinery manufacturer Urschel International Ltd., moved offices on September 1, 2013, facilitating further European expansion for the company.

“The new facility is twice the size of the previous office. This increased space allows us to deliver the best service to our growing number of customers, and demonstrate the wide range of Urschel cutting machinery available to them,” stated Mrs. Helena Gomes, International Sales Manager/Exhibitions Manager. “We are merely 200 meters from the previous location, so the office is easy to find and very accessible. This location also offers additional parking.”

With a parts service center, the new location provides authorized repair of critical Urschel food cutting machinery components. Plant operations efficiency is also improved, while downtime costs are reduced thanks to routine inspection and maintenance of the components. The office also offers separate divisions for a product testing facility and sales and admin offices, providing an optimized and organized layout.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: urschel-laboratories
Datum: 08.11.2013 - 13:55 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 977330
Anzahl Zeichen: 1120

Ansprechpartner: Debra Novello


Telefon: 219.464.4811


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Meldungsart: Produktankündigung
Versandart: Veröffentlichung

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