PresseKat - Ersa Presents the i-CON VARIO 4 Soldering Station

Ersa Presents the i-CON VARIO 4 Soldering Station

ID: 1114814

(PresseBox) - 14 - Kurtz Ersa North America, a leading supplier of electronics production equipment, announces that the i-CON VARIO 4 is the flagship of the i-CON soldering stations family. The multi-channel soldering and de-soldering station can satisfy even the most demanding users.
The i-CON VARIO 4 offers whisper-quiet air and vacuum generation for up to four simultaneously operating soldering and de-soldering tools. The station ensures highly efficient processing of all SMT and THT soldering tasks. In addition to the 200W i-Tool AIR S, it offers the i-Tool Universal Soldering Device, the THT De-soldering X-tool Iron, and the Ultra-Fine De-soldering Chip Tool VARIO (2 x 40W).
The parameters for each pair of tools are set via a separate illuminated text display and the i-OP control knob. All included tools are always ready to work, and offer maximum flexibility for development, production and rework. Standby and sleep functions lower the operating costs on energy and soldering tips. Like the i-CON VARIO 2, this station has standard interfaces to control an external heating plate or communicate with a PC as well as a solder fume extraction unit. For all tools, Ersa offers a wide range of tips.
For more information about Kurtz Ersa North America, visit

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 30.09.2014 - 08:31 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1114814
Anzahl Zeichen: 1341




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